Here are a bunch of resources for learning about Deep Learning and its applications.

Courses and Video Lectures

  1. Andrew Ng’s Introduction to Machine Learning
  2. Geoffrey Hinton’s Neural Networks for Machine Learning
  3. Hugo Larochelle’s Neural Networks class
  4. Yann LeCun’s Lectures at College de France
  5. Quoc Le’s Lectures on Deep Learning
  6. Yaser Abu-Mostafa’s Learning from Data
  7. Machine Learning at Oxford
  8. Vision and Learning at MIT
  9. CS231 at Stanford,its video lectures and aaditional material
  10. NVIDIA’s lectures on Deep Learning
  11. UC Berkeley’s course on Deep Reinfrocement Learning
  12. Machine Learning at CMU


  1. Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
  2. Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen
  3. Deep Learning by Microsoft Research

Blogs and Websites

  1. Andrej Karpathy’s blog
  2. Christopher Olah’s blog
  3. Eugenio Culurciello’s blog
  4. When Trees Fall
  5. I am trask
  6. Jonas Degrave’s blog
  7. Wild ML
  9. Tombone’s Computer Vision Blog
  10. UFDL Tutorial

More Reading Lists

  1. Priyaank’s reading list
  2. J Mozah’s reading list